Indus Water Treaty and Abrogation of Article 370


Indus Water Treaty and Abrogation of Article 370

On August 5th, 2019, India unilaterally changed status of Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJ&K) by abrogating Article 370 and 35A.

Fast forward to January 25th, 2023 & India has issued a statement to Pakistan, warning to respond within 90 days for modification of a specific clause of Indus Water Treaty.

What’s the linkage b/w both?

As per Indus Water Treaty, Pakistan gets nearly 518 billion cubic meters water, whereas India gets roughly 40 billion cubic meters. Indus Water System (IWS) with six major rivers and various tributaries is either originated or passes through IIOJ&K.

Pakistan got three western rivers (Indus, Jhelum, Chenab) & India three eastern rivers (Ravi, Sutlej, Beas).

The treaty was arranged and negotiated by the World Bank, to use the water available in the Indus River and its tributaries.

In January 2023, Indian government has allocated funds, IR 5,282 crore for construction of Ratle Dam on River Chenab. On same River Baghilar Dam has already been constructed. Both times violation of IWT by India. Ratle dam project was halted to funds allocation.

It’s important to know two important clauses of Indus Water Treaty (IWT): article IX & XII (3)

“Each of the Parties agrees that it will not invoke this Treaty, anything contained therein”

India is right to ask modification but, as per Article XII (3) treaty can be modified, but never can it be done unilaterally, never it can be timed as India asked reply in 90 days.

“The provisions of this Treaty may from time to time be modified by a duly ratified treaty concluded between the two Governments.”

As per IWT, India can only have rights of non-consumption water activities on three western rivers but, in no way can store any of the waters. This means, that India can only have navigation, boating or fishing rights.

But why did India build first Kishanganga on Neelum and then Baghilar Dam on River Chenab.

Since, the abrogation of article 370 and 35A. India now claims Kashmir as Union Territorry and so as Laddakh.

Pakistan is receding her space regionally and globally due to internal conflicts and economic meltdown. USA now sees India as a strategic partner in her Indo-Pacific strategy.

Unless we mend our ways and put our house in order, future conflict with India over water may be devastating for the whole region. Point to ponder is world sees India as economic market & USA sees her as pawn to block Chinese rise.
Pakistan failed to register her stance against Indian abrogation of article 370


now what if India suspends Indus Water Treaty?


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