China - Pakistan Debt (Alleged) Trap: Analyzing the Exploitive Nature of CPEC with "World System Theory"                    

China - Pakistan Debt (Alleged) Trap: Analyzing the Exploitive Nature of CPEC with "World System Theory"

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is part of China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), aimed at expanding Chinese influence globally. CPEC has increased Pakistan's economic dependence on China, leading to concerns about a potential debt trap.

The World System Theory describes the relationship where China is the "core" and Pakistan is the "periphery." This theory highlights the exploitation of Pakistan, which provides cheap labor and raw materials to China, while China supplies high-profit consumption goods.

The partnership has led to economic benefits for Pakistan, such as infrastructure development and increased connectivity. However, it has also resulted in significant debt for Pakistan and dependence on Chinese imports.

The core-periphery relationship is evident in trade patterns, with Pakistan exporting raw materials like copper and importing machinery and technology from China.

Protests in Pakistan, especially in Balochistan, highlight local dissatisfaction with the exploitation and environmental impact of CPEC projects. The project has created jobs in Pakistan, but these are primarily low-wage labor positions.

Comparisons are drawn to China's control over Sri Lanka's Hambantota Port as a cautionary example of economic dependency leading to loss of sovereignty.

The article concludes that Pakistan remains economically peripheral, with China practicing a form of neo-colonialism through CPEC.


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